Friday, December 30, 2011

"Quick" Reference Sheets

Greetings and I hope you all had a Merry Christmas or (other holiday).  I am almost done with the Brit Para 75mm Battery and should be posting that soon, but wanted to get opinions on something else I have been working on.  We have been trying to build the Flames of War community whee I live and had an excellent "Flames of War Day" at our local store.  We have a lot of new players (me included), so I wanted to help everyone enjoy the game a more instead of looking through the rulebook.  I saw in the Battlefront forums that Monty X had posted a fantastic Guide to the Assault Step.  This helped our group alot, but there were still rules that folks were having trouble with.  So I took it step further and made a guide to cover a lot more.  At first it was to cover the other Steps but it grew to cover terrain, fortifications, etc... These guides with the FoW Quick Reference Sheet answer just about anything I can think of that you run into during a typical game.  Please have a look and let me know if I have something wrong or need to add something.  This is a work in progress.  With the upcoming Version 3 Rulebook hopefully it will still be mostly intact and will serve a s guide to capture changes.

Let me know what you think.  Thanks and have a Happy New Year!

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